Evolution, there’s more than meets the eye ….

Evolution, we expect, will leave its mark on the genes after several generations as evidence leads us to believe. But there are lots of different ‘marks’ on the genes, and there are ‘marks’ we don’t know they are there. ‘Marks’ which are probably connected with emergent behaviour. As the area covered under the findings of emergent behaviour is so vast, it makes me think it should involve and hints towards short-term evolution, short-term defined within a few or only one generation. It would be expected that such an evolution would not affect drastically the genome, to the point of creating totally new genes, but it would have effect to what is known as a multi-gene co-operative effect. The main idea is that there is behaviour that is passed on by the genes, heredity in all its glory. Should not go any further as to claim that such a short-term evolution is customised, should have the innate ability to customise itself for maximum effectiveness. Why would you think like that? What about the bottom-up direction of emergent behaviour, the elevation in significance of the individual, the unit which by their interactions the structure emerges. And if there is something that is found beneficial or at least agreeable for the structure then this has to be effected at the level of the unit.    
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